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This Plasmaglow 10758 Fire and Ice Amber Edition Flexible LED Tailgate Bar product page made for leading anyone who looking for where to Buy Plasmaglow 10758 Cheapest and Best Price in USA. You can be sure this is the best offer and great deal. Cause we have researched prices from numerous online retailers and provide the most special offer and Plasmaglow 10758 Fire and Ice Amber Edition Flexible LED Tailgate Bar huge discount for you. For more information please see below.
Here are some of the great features of Plasmaglow 10758 Fire and Ice Amber Edition Flexible LED Tailgate Bar
Plasmaglow 10758, The Fire and Ice Bar features 90 red and white LEDs that act as a brake light, turn signals, running lights, hazards and reverse lights. There are two versions, one that has red turn signals and a new version that has amber turn signals. It works with your existing truck's signal system for simple installation by plugging it into your trailer-hitch adapter. If you do not have a trailer-hitch adapter, instructions are included to hard-wire it. This new flexible version fits any car, truck, or SUV. It can be cut to any length between 12 inches and 60 inches. This new style can even be mounted in the rear window. Available in 60 inches length the flexible version can be cut smaller to fit any size vehicle. This version has amber LED turn signals and there is a separate version if you want red LED turn signals. 100 percent waterproof for trailers and boats.
- White LEDs for reverse lights
- Red LEDs for running lights and brake lights
- 60 inches flexible design - cut to length
- Amber LEDs for turn signals
- Easy install
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